Committee Composition

CACME Partners

  • The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
  • Collège des médecins du Québec
  • College of Family Physicians of Canada
  • Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Appointment of Members

The Committee is comprised of medical practitioners and educators nominated by its partner organizations.

Committee Composition

  • Brenna Lynn (Chair)
  • Thomas Raedler
  • Suzan Schneeweiss
College of Family Physicians of Canada
  • Jessica Black
  • Leonora Lalla
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Tara Phillips
  • Michel Smith
Collège des médecins du Québec
  • Thomas Maniatis
Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada
  • Tanis Adey
CACME Secretariat

Lisa Graves, MD, MCISc, CACME Secretary
Scott J. Adams, MD, PhD, MEd, FRCPC, CACME Assistant Secretary

CACME Secretariat Staff

Claudine Le Quellec, Accreditation Manager and CACME Staff, AFMC
Andrea Segal, MBA, Senior Accreditation Specialist and CACME Staff, AFMC
Reham Abdalla, Accreditation Specialist and CACME Staff, AFMC
Olivier D’Amours, Accreditation Specialist and CACME Staff, AFMC

Confidentiality of accreditation information

The Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME) will disclose to the public only the accreditation status of a CME/CPD unit. Letters of accreditation transmitting the accreditation decision and a copy of the survey report are sent by the CACME Secretary to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, with a copy to the Associate Dean for CME. The survey report and the letter transmitting the accreditation decision will be held confidential by CACME. However the findings in the final survey report and letters of accreditation may be disclosed by the medical school at its discretion.